• Take Off
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  • DOGE’s on a rollercoaster 🎢

DOGE’s on a rollercoaster 🎢

PLUS: Google Tries to Be Sneaky 👀

GM. This is Take Off - the newsletter that gives you the same feeling as when you’d hear the ice cream truck come into your hood and knew you were about to get a Choco Taco.

Let’s get to it:

  • DOGE’s on a rollercoaster 🎢

  • Google Tries to Be Sneaky 👀

  • Microsoft is giving everyone a chance to be Picasso 🎨

DOGE’s on a rollercoaster 🎢

DOGE goes up… DOGE goes down!

That’s how poor DOGE has been feeling the past couple of days. Just when we thought Dogecoin was having its moment in the Twitter spotlight, the blue bird swooped back in and stole the show by reclaiming the Twitter logo once again. After the Shiba Inu dog meme replaced Twitter's logo and boosted Dogecoin's value by 20%, the original birdie returned, sending the coin tumbling down 8%.

Credits: CoinDesk

We still don't know why the logo swap happened, and Elon Musk, DOGE's hype man, has been quiet on the matter. But hey, at least Dogecoin had a brief moment of glory, right?

Google Tries to Be Sneaky 👀

Oh, the drama in the world of AI chips! Just a couple of days ago, Google was all like, "Hey, our TPU V4 is 1.7x faster and 1.9x more energy efficient than NVIDIA’s A100!"

As soon as NVIDIA heard this, they were like “Say WHAATT??”

But the excitement didn’t last long when people realized Google was comparing their new chip to an outdated NVIDIA chip. Oops! 🙈

NVIDIA didn't take it lying down and dropped the mic with their new H100 chip, which is 2x+ better than the A100. Google's excuse for not comparing to the H100? They’re like this chip wasn’t out when we performed our experiments. Despite all that, Google sure did manage to hurt NVIDIA as its shares took a massive 3.4% dip after the announcement. Ouch!

Microsoft is giving everyone a chance to be Picasso 🎨

Microsoft is doubling down heavily on it’s web browser Edge and trying to restore the good ‘ol glory days from it’s Internet Explorer Era! They just announced that their DALL-E powered Image Creator will now be available for Edge users worldwide so we can all unleash our inner Picassos.

When it rolls out, you'll be able to type what you want, let Bing do its magic, and voilà! Fresh, AI-generated images at your fingertips. While this has been possible using different tools before like OpenAI’s DALL-E or Microsoft’s own image creator site, the peeps over at Edge have included it directly in the sidebar which makes it much easier to summon the Picasso AI while watching your favorite cat memes on the web!

Image Credits : The Verge

☄️ Asteroids ☄️

Get ready, gamers! 🎮 Google's bringing next-gen gaming to your browser with WebGPU in Chrome 113. So brace yourselves for better-looking games, improved machine learning, and a whole lot of browser-based fun. 🌐💥

Google's gearing up for an AI chat battle royale against Microsoft's ChatGPT, as CEO Sundar Pichai announces plans to amp up their search engine with conversational AI features. Get ready for some chatty search engines duking it out in the digital ring! 🤖💬🥊

Meta's massive layoffs have reportedly hit its budding customer service teams, leaving influencers and group admins fending off scammers and glitches like digital cowboys in the Wild West. 🤠📞🌵

🔮 Futuristic Fridays 🔮

Apple's recent patent application suggests they might be (re)inventing the iPod in a pocket-sized device for music, videos, and books. Because who wouldn't want to relive the glory days of simple tech, with a nostalgic twist on the trusty iPod? 🎵🍎🔄

Amazon and De Beers are teaming up to "grow" diamonds in a lab, not for your finger, but to boost quantum computing and networking speeds. Who knew that the secret to the quantum frontier was hidden in the sparkle of your best friend's engagement ring? 💍💎🚀

New Zealand-based Dawn Aerospace is taking the space game to new heights with their rocket-powered spaceplane, aiming to explore the elusive 30-100km altitude range like a true sky VIP. Soon, they'll be zipping around the upper atmosphere with aircraft-like efficiency, making balloons and satellites green with envy. 🚀✈️🌏

That’s it from us today folks! If you liked what you read today, please do read the message from our loving and hard-working team below:

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